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by BlackSilentMaj
on 6/11/16
Not One Former President.
Neither of the last Two
Republican Nominees.
Not one of them will endorse Trump
(c) 2016

In recent years, Republicans and Democrats haven’t agreed on much. But there’s one area where every living, former president, Republican and Democrat, have found something to agree on. They all agree that Donald Trump is unqualified and unfit to be president of the United States.

Those former presidents include Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. The current president, Barack Obama, has also weighed in, and he thinks Trump is unqualified to lead this great country as well. If anyone understands the demands of the presidency and what it takes, it’s a former president.

These men have been there and done that. They know what the job entails, and all agree Donald Trump would be an embarrassment and a disaster as president. Moreover, knowing Trump’s history, he would use the presidency to line his pockets.

That said, read the following comments on those seeking your vote:

Jimmy Carter on Hillary Clinton:
“I've known Hillary for decades — and her record as a public servant is superb. In 1977, I appointed her to the board of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), a nonprofit that provides legal assistance to Americans in need — she went on to become the first woman to chair the board. Over her tenure, funding for the LSC tripled, allowing the organization to expand legal aid to every congressional district, and handle 1.5 million cases for poor clients each year. As First Lady, Clinton continued to advocate for legal services funding.”

Mitt Romney on Trump:
“If we make improvident choices, the bright horizon I foresee will never materialize. Let me put it plainly, if we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.

“A few examples: His proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war that would raise prices for consumers, kill export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs and businesses to flee America.

“His tax plan, in combination with his refusal to reform entitlements and to honestly address spending would balloon the deficit and the national debt. So even as Donald Trump has offered very few specific economic plans, what little he has said is enough to know that he would be very bad for American workers and for American families.

“But wait, you say, isn't he a huge business success that knows what he's talking about? No he isn't. His bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them. He inherited his business, he didn't create it. And what ever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.”

Michelle Obama on Trump:
“If a candidate is erratic and threatening; if a candidate traffics in prejudice, fears and lies on the campaign trail; if a candidate thinks that not paying taxes makes you smart, or that it’s good business when people lose their homes; if a candidate regularly and flippantly makes cruel and insulting comments about women, about how we look, how we act — well, sadly, that’s who that candidate really is,” Mrs. Obama told an audience of mostly students at La Salle University in Philadelphia. “That is the kind of president they will be.”

President Obama:
“Anybody sitting on the sidelines right now or deciding to engage in a protest vote, that’s a vote for Trump. That would be badly damaging for this country and it would be damaging for the world.”

Trump’s appeal is really not about him; it’s about bigots and their desireisn’t based on his competence or lack thereof. It’s based largely on racial prejudice. It’s based on the racial prejudice Republicans have stoked throughout Pres. Obama’s terms, and it’s based on a prejudice that’s aimed at others who are not white.

In exchange for making bigots feel “normal,” Trump supporters have shown they will tolerate even the most gutter, degenerate, juvenile, and sexually abusive behavior from Trump towards women. On November 8, the majority of decent Americans of all colors can reject all the divisions that Trump represents.