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by TheaGood
on 26/4/17

Obama is a terrorist plain & simple!!! He better watch who he messes with, the Navy Seals and the Benghazi survivor will take care of him!!!! His days are numbered anyway, he’s going to jail!!!! He doesn’t need to address the wiretapping, we all know he did it and so does Congress!!!

April 25, 2017
Will we ever see accountability? There are so many people (media) that shield him. I know there are several people that the seal team need to work on. I just hope they are given those responsibilities.


I only wish that you are right?? Gorge SORO’s will NEVER let his most valued mouth PIECE be arrested….unless they arrest him and Hillary also! The CORRUPTION on the LEFT IS
Too great and they all cover for each other!! A RACE WAR WOULD DEFIANTLY E RUPT IN EVERY CITY….
the brainwashing in the Colleges has been going for such a long time. I would like to know why nothing was done about the COMMUNIST PROFESSORS TEACHING HOW GREAT THAT SYSTEM IS AND
Allowed to spread their CULT and BELIEVES, while Christianity was taken away….we all did not like what was happening, but went along with it all!! NOW WE SHOULD NOT WONDER THAT WE ENDED UP WERE EVEN OUR FREE SPEECH IS IN DANGER!! Terrorism and FASHISM IS THE NEW BUSS WORD FOR THE YOUNG ….OVERTHROWING OUR GOVERNMENT IS FUN FOR THEM….THEY DON' T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING, BUT DOING IT ANY Way….and Uncle George SOROS is
Paying them to riot instead of going to classes….and the they get a passing grade and a DEGREE OF THEIR CHOICE and after that….they get a GREAT JOB working in the White House!! Just listen to
These IDIOTS ….they do t have a CLUE…..BUT THEY LIE AND DISTORT THE TRUTH TO PERFECTION….I.e. Nancy Polosi…the perfect example!!