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by TheaGood
on 18/1/17
More Reasons Washington Is Scared to Death of Trump

RUSH: Here’s a story from the Washington Post: “Trump Could Cause ‘the Death of Think Tanks as We Know Them.'” Josh Rogan, global opinions writer, Washington Post. Now, this is a dicey area, but think tanks are worried about this. Conservative think tanks, liberal think tanks, they’re worried about Trump. For the longest time, the think tanks have been telling their donors, “Hey, look, we’re your guardians. We’re the ones making sure what you believe becomes policy. We’re the ones with relationships and members of Congress. We’re the ones that are on point on policy. We’re the ones.”

Some of the media in both conservative and liberal spheres is the same, and Trump’s come along and blown that to smithereens, and that’s reason why there’s Never Trumpers out there in both areas left and right in the think tank sphere. I need to put this story in the Stack for further detail tomorrow.