Millennial Tech Bloggers Rejoice! NYT Drops Paywall
RUSH: I was reading my little tech blogs today. Tech blogs are a bunch of Millennials. They are Millennials and like many, not all, like many Millennials, they're arrogant and think they know everything.
I guess every person, when they're 18 to 34, thinks they know everything, and that adults are kind of behind the times, not hip and don't know what's going on. Anyway, these little tech bloggers today, folks, they're orgasmic. I can see them masturbating to their keyboards today because the New York Times has removed its pay wall for the last four days. So the little tech bloggers are just besides themselves. They're so excited the New York Times is free! Oh my God, they can't contain their excitement about this.
Yes, they're tightwads, but they're tightwads because they don't have any money and they don't have any money because of the Obama economy. Though, that's not what they know. They don't blame Obama for anything. They don't hold Obama accountable for anything, nor Hillary actually. These are classic propagandized youth. They are perfect examples of the indoctrination that happens in education today. They all believe in climate change. They all believe man's doing it. They all believe the planet is not going to be habitable by the time they're age 65. They literally believe this stuff.
Now they can barely contain themselves that the New York Times is free. They hate paying for anything. They hate cable. They hate anything that costs money. They hate people that spend money on expensive things because that keeps the prices up. And they write about this. They have disdain for -- except they love Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. I guess that's okay for them. But the disconcerting aspect of this is that they can read the New York Times.
Now, to you and me the New York Times is flawed, biased, not objective. The New York Times has not written a thing about the FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation. In fact, the only outlets you have are Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. No other Drive-By Media is getting into it. They're not touching it. Not at all in terms of the investigation. They are writing about how Fox is out of control. And they're writing about it as though the FBI is biased against Hillary. But they're not covering the substance of the issue.
This would be akin to the Drive-By Media ignoring Richard Nixon and Watergate. It's that big. That means, folks, that there's a lot of people in this country that do not know, because if the Times doesn't cover it, then the AP doesn't cover it. If the AP doesn't cover it then 4,000 papers in America doesn't report it. And then Yahoo! News doesn't have it and the Facebook news feed doesn't have it and there's nothing much on it on Twitter on the left side.
So there's a whole bunch of people that are not going to know anything about the fact that the FBI has been investigating the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation for over a year and with just cause. There may well have been criminal activity going on. May still be going on. The pay-for-play aspects, selling United States foreign policy. But there's half the country that's not learning about it. Half the country not hearing about it and they won't hear about it. Because the story's being buried.