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by TheaGood
on 21/11/16
Media Continues to Lie About Trump Transition

RUSH: Remember, this is all coming to us via the media, and the media is practiced in lying and misstating and misrepresenting, like they're doing with this Trump transition business. They're gonna keep at this.

What the media knows is, the more they lie, the longer they lie, the more consistently they lie, the greater the odds are that a great number of people will believe it and that's what they're doing with this transition business. They're not letting go of the transition is in disarray, that Trump doesn't know what he's doing, that he hasn't named anybody yet. Of course, it's barely been over a week! Most presidents haven't named anybody yet. You know, George H. W. Bush had named two, I think, by one week after his election in 1988?

But there's nothing abnormal here whatsoever. The Trump transition team is well-oiled. It's smoking hot! The Trump transition team, they are preparing to drain the swamp. Trump is making sure that everybody on his team is actually on his team. He is making sure there are no lobbyists, and he is making everybody sign a form that they will not lobby for five years after leaving his administration. He's making explicitly sure that what he promised during the campaign is happening and going to happen.

When they say they're gonna drain the swamp, that's what they're going to do. And the media can't... They can't get their arms around all of this, and they're trying to portray Trump as they think he is: Neophyte, inexperienced, clueless, dangerous, bull in the china shop, doesn't know what he's doing. That's what they're trying to spread out there. And they believe that the more consistently they do it, the greater the odds that a greater number of people will start believing it, which is why we're gonna keep focusing here to exposing the BS and the lies that they tell.