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by TheaGood
on 27/11/16
Last December when Trump spoke without script before the Elect, the Republican Jewish Congress - no less, he quietly, though not emphatically, said, ‘I do not want your money, I just want your vote’.

A pin dropped could have been heard.

I do not remember anything else he had to say, either before or afterwards, and don’t need to, as for me that was the voice of a Man that has not been heard for 2,000 years.

Leading roles they may have in his Administration, but the moral force is with him because he paid for his own campaign, and so can tell them, by way of micro management, what he wants done at National Security Council meetings, and between times at Presidential Daily Briefings.

As this is no longer the supposed level playing field of an election campaign, when good humoured sniping at opponents goes both ways, there will be the grudging respect given Trump by the Bushs and their ilk admitted to cabinet positions.

For apart from anything else, Trump can choose, on grounds of straying from Trump policy - as promised during the election campaign, to make an example of any one of them at any time, ‘You’re fired !’, and mean it, by once again reciting The Snake poem moments before he does so.