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by blacksilentmaj
on 5/3/17

Just how smart are
some black voters?

If you bet on their smarts,
would you go broke?

Or, would you become homeless?
© 2017

A significant number of black voters supported Donald Trump despite the fact he was endorsed by the KKK and every racist group under the Sun. Black Detroit voters, a large number, said they would vote for Kilpatrick again if he could run despite his conviction and despite the fact he ripped off his mostly black city.

Now, just barely out of bankruptcy, a segment of Detroit’s black voters is willing to vote for Joel Loving, a person with little experience, as the next mayor. They cannot name four accomplishments Loving has made nor can they explain why he would be a better candidate.

By the way, Joel Loving is also known as Coleman Young, Jr. Do voters think the original Coleman Young has risen from the grave and is running for mayor again?