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by BlackSilentMaj
on 15/1/17
John Lewis:
We’ve got his back

Truth sounds like hate
to those who hate the truth. © 2017

Let’s get this straight. John Lewis is entitled to his opinion of Donald Trump, and vice verse. Trump may think otherwise, but we don’t live in a dictatorship.

He may bully reporters, and others, but Lewis had the courage to speak up and say what others were thinking. Whatever fear Lewis had was beaten out of him during his days as a civil rights protester. He already faced the klan and crooked police officers. It’s doubtful he considers Trump a bogeyman to be feared.

For his part, Trump has no reservations about attacking others. But like all bullies, he’s very thin-skinned when he’s attacked. He even gets beside himself when Saturday Night Live does a skit he doesn’t like. Who does that?

This man has delusions of grandeur. Think of him as “Dictator in Chief,” or “Dictator-Elect.”

990 chars, < 1 min read