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by vaibhavbhise
on 28/1/19
@JioCare @reliancejio #poorcustomerservices #Jio #patheticresponse #underpaidunsatisfiedstaff

My mother in law lost her phone, so we went to #JioDigitalLife store on Friday, since then they have been giving different reasons and asking us to come on other time or next day, on Sat they said their server is down, called me on Sunday, on Sunday they said that server is still down and so I should come in the evening, in the evening there was a different guy who told that they are closed on Sunday and so he won't work, on which I asked that their website shows that they are open, on which he answers that the company website says they are open our store didn't say it. So I went again today, and now they are telling that I should be coming between 11 am and 5 pm, on which I said I am working and each time you give a reason not to fix, I have to take time off my work to come and yet every time you keep giving reasons, on which he said that is not his problem, they have to follow time and do not care how I manage to get to them.

I wonder if this is poor service that is talking or the underpaid unsatisfied staff that is harassing the customers. This was least expected from a reputed company like you...

Now I and my other family members are thinking whether to continue using your services to switch to another service provider.

I am quite sure, they should have a much much higher level of services than that of yours...
1,471 chars, < 1 min read