Jim TraficantTalks Tough in Cincinnati
By Peter Papaherakles
CINCINNATI—Ex-congressman and cur-
AFP columnist Jim Traficant spoke at
a conference in Cincinnati on Sept. 15,2011—
an event organized by Jim Condit Jr., who
has been a political activist for decades.
Condit is best known for his work exposing vote
fraud. He also made a run for Congress in 2010.
Traficant’s speech coincided with the release of
"America’s Last Minuteman"—a book compiling Jim’s
speeches made during his 18-year tenure.
An energized crowd listened to Traficant’s pow-
erful talk as he boldly listed the problems facing our
country, then offered solutions to them. He talked
about revitalizing the economy by bringing back our
manufacturing base from overseas.Traficant also of-
fered remedies for illegal immigration and our mis-
guided foreign policy,in addition to highlighting the
urgency of ending the illegal wars bankrupting us.
Most importantly, Traficant talked about over-
hauling the financial system. Whereas other politi-
cians pay lip service to auditing the Fed, or even
abolishing it,Traficant described how to replace the
privately owned Fed with a constitutionally oriented
monetary system,abolishing the current socialist
income tax.
The reason that the United States, and the whole
world for that matter, is going bankrupt, Traficant
said,is not because we’ve mismanaged our finances.
It is because the money supply power has been taken
over by the privately owned Federal Reserve. This
makes us all slaves of the bankers. Unless our gov-
ernment reclaims its constitutional duty to issue debt-
free money, we can never get out of this mess.
“Money should be created,” said Traficant, “not
borrowed.” The Constitution has empowered Con-
gress to create interest-free money based on
production and the full faith and credit of the
citizens of the United States.