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by CityVista
on 20/7/16

Why Europe used Arab learning

It was in the Arab land that man first organized into a settled
form of society, cultivating grain and raising livestock,
establishing cities and promoting diverse skills and occupations.
In such a setting, rich and complex cultures were nourished:
ancient Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia and Phoenicia were
great civilizations, legends even in their own day, whose traces
continue to be uncovered in archeological sites throughout the
It was in this same area that the three great monotheistic
religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam—originated, in time
spreading to all corners of the world. The followers of those
faiths lived in harmony throughout the centuries in the Arab
homeland, since all considered themselves the people of one God.
The Prophet Muhammad appeared in the seventh century A.D.
with the message of Islam. His Arab followers soon spread the
new faith in the West, across North Africa into Spain and France,
and in the East, to the borders of China. These Muslim believers
rapidly founded a new and dynamic civilization that for centuries
was the only bright light in an otherwise culturally and
intellectually stagnant world. Indeed, while Europe was
experiencing its "Dark Ages," the Arab/Islamic civilization was at
its apogee. It was this same Islamic civilization, with its many
contributions to science and the humanities, that paved the way
for the rise of the West to its present prominence.