It’s time for a change. One that saves lives & helps the battle against the coronavirus. Join #FreeTheVaccine to urge @VanderbiltU to sign the #OpenCOVIDPledge and support the campaign to ensure publicly-funded meds for #COVID19 are accessible to all. Universities must be accountable to the people and not pharmaceutical corporations. Please watch our @DollyParton “Vaccine song”, share, and sign the pledge. #JOLENEVACCINECHALLENGE #FREETHEVACCINE #DOLLYPARTON #PEOPLESVACCINE #COVID19 #CORONAVIRUS #VANDERBILTUNIVERSITY #VANDYGRAM #VANDYMED #CORONAVIRUSVACCINE #OpenCovidPledge #GLOBALPANDEMIC #PUBLICHEALTH #CRISIS #VANDERBILTPRESIDENT #DanielDiermeier #VANDERBILTPROVOST #SusanWente #VANDERBILTLAWYER #RubyShellaway #JeffreyBalser #VANDERBILTTTO #VANDERBILTLEADERSHIP #ANCHORDOWN #HUMANSOFVANDERBILT