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by TheaGood
on 22/2/17
Perhaps so.

Possible nuclear-blackmail of Sweden and (Germany/France/Holland/Denmark), to force the mass immigration of third world people to kill the country(s), there was a news report where explosives were found at a Swedish nuclear power plant a while back, and there was no explanation to this from the fake news.
A news report (which is linked here) has been expunged. This was reported by very few American news outlets and the alt media (except for this site) ignored it entirely.

Jim Stone, Sunday, July 1 2012
We need ACTION on the following topic:
Explosives found in Swedish Nuke plant
UPDATE: The original link I had for this report is now dead, however the BBC covered it, but not as well or as accurately as the original report I quoted did.
The original report was very clear: The explosives were found on top of the fire extinguisher behind the seat of a forklift that goes in and out of the reactor area of the nuclear facility. BBC did a relative whitewash, but at least their report proves something happened.

Prepare for another Fukushima! A fist sized lump of plastic explosives was found on top of the fire extinguisher in a forklift which had access to the heart of a Swedish nuclear facility. Plastic explosives of the type used for demolition are like modeling clay, which can be rammed and crammed into any space. And you cannot get a fist sized lump of this type of explosive left laying around ANYWHERE unless it came from a larger batch. You can bet the forklift brought in a whole pallet or several pallets of explosives, which are now planted inside. The linked report tries to make it sound like "A fist sized lump on the fire extinguisher in the forklift" was no big deal because "it did not have a detonator." Where did that fist sized lump come from? Someone most likely spaced out, and forgot one of those fist sized lumps in the forklift while DOING THE JOB. Probably while repositioning the forklift to make it easier to grab more to cram it into the bottom of one of the reactors. OOOPS!!

All the news reports about this are playing it down, and I beg the question WHY? WHY WOULD THEY PLAY THIS DOWN? Explosives found in a nuke plant? The answer is obvious. Someone is blackmailing Sweden with a nuclear Armageddon the same way they did with Fukushima, and the only way Sweden will be forced to take the blame for any nuclear disasters Globalism causes is to keep a tight lid on the fact that globalist shills using victim status to blind people with sympathy while they use security firms to install death promises for non compliance to whatever Globalists want.
Update: Yes, Sweden's immigration situation was probably deeply rooted in this incident. And if this was silenced in the press, the Globalists did this, pure and simple. And if the Swedes do ANYTHING to remove the explosives, they are no doubt under surveillance and will be set off.

If explosives were found at a Burger King in Peoria, do you think it would be more newsworthy? Why are they silent about this at a nuke plant?

I will make a guess. If Sweden now fails to live up to blackmail demands and destroy their country doing it, the nuke plant goes BOOM. So it will be a choice between a physical death and a financial/cultural one. I would bet this is one of MANY nuclear facilities around the world which has been rigged to explode just like Fukushima did. This is just the one where someone spaced out and it got caught by someone who could speak around the censorship. And I predict (but I will not put a date on it) that IF the Globalists really feel threatened they will just destroy a large number of nuclear facilities, contaminate everything, and THEN use the window of opportunity to throw the final control net. Explosives in a nuke plant is such major news the silence on this topic is damning.

Think about this - They have TRILLIONS of dollars to blow, and have hired MILLIONS of psychologically sterilized goons, on top of having almost their entire tribe be to one extent or another psychopathic. They easily have the manpower and patience they need to get the right people into key places in various facilities to lace them with explosives under the full permission of security and the employees. Needless to say, when the places go boom they will have all called in sick that day, or will have left one by one in the months before the event. Explosives in ONE nuclear facility is grounds for having ALL of them shuttered and gone through by legitimate bomb teams, but you can bet that will never happen. The fact that it will not, and the media silence on this issue is proof that the world has for the most part already been conquered. The alternative press did not even run with this story. What's up with THAT?

No doubt Stuxnet also found it's way to wherever the explosives did, to create a plausible scenario before the place goes BOOM.