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by ionmike275
on 26/10/16

Black Jeopardy

I thought the SNl Black Jeopardy skit with Tom Hanks was as brave and radical as many are saying, however there is a disturbing bias that is clouding the opinions of many who are writing in support of the sketch. What I’m referring to is this almost subliminal comparison of the Trump voter with regular black people.
If you’re a fan of the show you know that the ‘Black Jeopardy’ is a recurring skit and much like its other spoof of Jeopardy, ‘Celebrity Jeopardy’ the joke is that the contestants are idiots. The ‘Black Jeopardy skit operates under the same rules which is what makes it funny. Unfortunately critics and pundits are making this argument that the Trump Voter character has a lot in common with…Black People… rather than idiots.
I believe the largely white (based on their editorial/twitter photos) Critics and Pundits that are commenting on this skit as to show that Trump voters and Black People have a lot in common is simultaneously showing their own bias about what they think about Black people and their desire to avoid talking about how this utter buffoon could have so much of White America in thrall. Let me assert the SNL skit is not to blame, again it was brilliant it’s the critical response to it that shows we still have a way to go in challenging racial bias in the media.