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by TheaGood
on 13/11/16
Howie Kurtz: Mainstream Media "Coming to Terms" with Trump Victory

RUSH: I've got the Fox News Channel on here. Howie Kurtz is the media analyst at Fox News. He's the guy that tells us why the media's doing what it's doing and all that. We don't need that, but every network gives us one of these guys. And get this. Howard Kurtz says that the mainstream media is coming to terms with Donald Trump's victory. Now, stop and think about that. What is there to come to terms with? They are the media. I mean, if they're who they claim to be, it shouldn't matter who wins, and there ought to be nothing to have to come to terms with. The very idea that the media has to accept, has to come to terms with a specific outcome, doesn't it kind of blow their cover? Not that it's ever been in doubt. I mean, they haven't been succeeding in their cover of objectivity in a long time.

The way they continue to treat us with this as though we're plodding idiots. Mainstream media outlets coming to terms. No, they haven't. The bottom line is, as we speak they are all devising ways to undermine the upcoming Trump administration. They're finding ways to sabotage it, undermine it, or what have you. And anybody who won't admit that doesn't want to face reality.

There's no coming to terms here. They are livid. Their livid that their influence didn't matter. They're livid that they were unable to convince people they already think are idiots how to vote. They're going through massive psychological problems due to rejection. They haven't come to terms with anything. And people, in their minds, are gonna pay for this mistake.

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