How dare you. You need to get your damn story straight before you blame us about things. No, you should not be telling the story to pissant creep in the first place. It was a long time ago and your memory is faulty. Not that we give a damn if a mere tool as a poor impression of us. We are not for that creep's observation. It is the principle of the thing. You are complaining about us to him, and that is inexcusable. Allies should defend each other, but you are too stupid to recognize the threat and keep it at a comfortable distance, no you seem to want to involve the fucker in everything, every event, every state of this holding and he will never have the right, and you will never have the privilege or the capability to give it to the wretch. You should get your facts straight, but that is impossible, you like moaning about everything so much even when the blame is misappropriated and the causes misrepresented it does not matter, as long as you get to moan and serve Worry his next black meal. You ever remain the fool. Your blame on us is lies, you whiner. It does not matter what the thinks or sees or hears, for it is stunted, mutated information, not that he ever deserves the truth, but it is further than that, he does not deserve the least insight into this operation. Curse you for giving him opportunity. Though he will never be able to act on it. Drown in your misery, complain to complain, but it remains, you are not right and you are not accurate. A perfectionist so much, yet since that can not exist, you are just a nothing, a cloud of steam, a negative energy generator for Worry. Such a weak vessel can not have any mind or common sense. We resent what you have done, but we know it can cause no damage, for you are so weak. Though you serve worry and give potential enemies far too much credit, using them as sounding boards for false grievances, no complete outright lies, despite all your misery and foolishness, we persevere and endure. Not just grievances, grievances with no reason. You complain just to complain and forget the overall environment at the time, how the event was beneficial and still remains so. Your judgment has decayed, and the parasite's constant presence has not helped.