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by BlackSilentMaj
on 30/10/16
Hillary’s issues v Trump’s issues

Who can you really trust?
Who is better for America? © 2016

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have political baggage. The voter can decide which
person’s baggage is more substantial and troubling.

Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Clinton’s “baggage,” has been almost exclusively related to her emails. She has been accused of using a private server to store some of her official government emails. That’s it. She wasn’t in cohoots with foreign powers or enemies of the United States. She made an error, and she owned up to it. That’s the baggage Republicans have promoted for this entire campaign. An investigation took place, but she wasn’t cited for any criminal wrongdoing. It’s been all about Clinton’s emails. But smart voters should be asking Republicans, “What else have you got?”

Donald Trump:

Donald Trump certainly has his share of baggage, too. Consider the following:

• Cuba. He tried to do business with the country though the U.S. government prohibited doing business activity.

• Russia: He openly encouraged Russian hackers to infiltrate the Democratic campaign headquarters. He also praised Russia’s dictator, Putin, while criticizing the current American president.

• Proven Liar: PolitiFact and the New York Times documented over 250 lies Trump told during this campaign alone.

• Sexual predator: Trump’s own words described him as a sexual predator who had no respect for women. Over 10 women have come forward to reveal how Trump groped and made unwanted sexual advances. On audio, Trump bragged that he could behave like a sexual predator because he was “a celebrity.”

• Whiner: Like a spoiled brat, Trump has whined whenever things didn’t go his way. He has never accepted responsibility for doing anything wrong. After the media had given him a free ride and free publicity for most of the campaign, it finally decided to “man-up.” When it did, Trump whined and claimed he was being picked on.

• Poor Whites see Trump as a champion of sorts. But Trump doesn’t have a track record of advocating for the poor of any race. He will use them to advance his own interests, but if you want to know what a person will do, look at what the person has done. Trump has only promoted himself.

• Incited violence at his rallies: During his rallies, Trump encouraged supporters to attack protesters, and he would cover the legal expense if it came to that.

• Promoted racial and religious bigotry: Throughout the campaign, Trump has encouraged racial and religious bigotry. Confederate Flags are common at his rallies. Moreover, the KKK and other white supremacy groups are strong Trump backers. He is responsible to a large extent for the increase in racial hatred that has surfaced in recent months.

• USA Today reported that over 4,000 current lawsuits are pending against Trump and his businesses. The paper reported that 75 of the lawsuits could disrupt his presidency if he was elected. The paper reported there are multiple lawsuits against Trump University.

As mentioned, each candidate has baggage. That baggage tells you a lot about the person’s character or lack thereof. Vote and vote against the Republican presidential, representative and senate candidates.