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by TheaGood
on 1/11/16
Hillary Staffers Knew Weiner Was Sexting Underage Girls Five Years Ago

RUSH: In another story, U.K. Daily Mail: "Hillary Clinton Staffers Knew FIVE YEARS AGO That [Anthony] Weiner Was Talking to Underage Girl," that he was sexting, "But Did Nothing About It -- Hillary Clinton's staffers knew as early as 2011 that Anthony Weiner had been messaging an underage girl, but they did nothing about it, according to WikiLeaks emails published Monday.

"John Podesta - now chair of Clinton's presidential campaign -- and Neera Tanden, another adviser, were forwarded news of an investigation into Weiner's online contact with a 17-year-old Delaware high school student by Jennifer Palmieri, the current campaign communications director, in June 2011," and they did nothing about it. Huma's boyfriend... I don't know how long they been married. Huma's boyfriend or husband, whatever, was sexting with a 17-year-old, the Hillary campaign knew it at the time he was married to Huma, "who is now at the center of fresh FBI investigation," buh, buh, buh, buh.

"The email detailed lurid claims of private messages to an underage girl being investigated by police -- and was met with the response 'oof' by Podesta," meaning they didn't do anything about it.