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by OPESCounselors
on 6/2/17
Happy School Counselor Week to all of my counselor friends! I know sometimes it's a thankless job. I know you sometimes feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. I know you've laid in bed at night and wished for that magic wand. I know you've cried over a student(s). I know you have the difficult conversations that no one else wants to have. I know you've asked yourself if what you do really matters. I know you've worked through more lunches and dinners than you'd like to admit. I know you secretly (or not so secretly) hate coordinating testing, student support teams, IGPs, schedules etc.. I know that the to do list never shrinks. I know you wake up every morning thinking about each one of the students you need to get to that day and it sometimes doesn't happen because a bigger need comes up. I know you've asked yourself at least once why in the world you picked this career. I know the task of serving each student that needs your support is sometimes overwhelming. I know this job is HARD. But I also know that you love your students - even the most difficult ones to love. I know that you put in extra hours to make sure each of your students get what they need. I know you've bought jackets, pencils, notebooks, shoes, christmas presents, and food because you truly care. I know you push your students to do better because you want them to take advantage of every opportunity available to them and create opportunity where it doesn't exist. I know you sometimes advocate behind the scenes for your teachers because you know they need it. I know that you check-in with students and families years later because THAT kid will always hold a piece of your heart. I know that even on your worst day you find a glimmer of hope that reminds you that you wouldn't want any other job in the world. I know this because I live it every day. So THANK YOU school counselors. YOU MATTER. You make a difference EVERY DAY. Thank you for all that you do. And thank you to all of the teachers, parents, administration, support staff and family that love and support your school counselors. We couldn't do it with out you!
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