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by TheaGood
on 13/2/17

The Commission on Wartime Contracting
recently released a 240-page report revealing
that during the past 10 years “waste and fraud
have amounted to atl east $31billion,and pos-
sibly as much as $60billion,during the opera-
tions in Iraq and Afghanistan.” While the
commission is commendable for revealing the
corruption, one has to wonder if they are con-
cealing a much bigger plunder. The Pentagon
has publicly admitted that 25 percent of its
budget routinely cannot be accounted for.The
official budget is $700 billion per year, and
one-quarter of that is awhopping $175 billion.
And how about Rumsfeld’s now infamous ad-
mission on Sept. 10, 2001 that the Pentagon
could not account for $2.3 trillion? That
amount of dough makes even $60 billion look
like small potatoes to anyone with a sense of
perspective.What’s going on?