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by elventails
on 3/8/10
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Forget about mechanical turks, you can now use The Google prediction API (needs registration) which brings machine learning to Google's list of API offerings.

Current FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some possible applications of the Prediction API?

The Prediction API can be used in a variety of contexts. Application developers who want to predict new results from historic data can benefit from prediction capabilities. Example uses include user sentiment analysis, language identification, product recommendation, message routing, and fraud detection, among others.

What training data does the Prediction API support?

The Prediction API supports CSV formatted training data, up to 100M in size. Numeric or unstructured text can be sent as input features, and discrete categories (up to a few hundred different ones) can be provided as output labels.
What functionality is available to developers and customers?

* Interoperability with Google Storage for Developers.
* Discrete categories as output.
* Automatic selection from multiple machine learning methods.
* Offline/asynchronous training.
* Prediction from Google AppEngine, Apps Script (for example, Google Spreadsheets), embedded JavaScript, the command line, and internet connected desktop apps.

How accurate are the predictions?

The maxim "garbage in, garbage out" applies doubly for the Prediction API. We are continuously improving the quality of our predictions, but more data and cleaner data always triumphs over clever algorithms.

What does Google use predictive modeling for?

Google heavily uses predictive models for many tasks such as spam filtering, language identification, and objectionable content identification.

How long does training take?

Training time varies with the size of the training data, but testing has shown training times ranging from a few seconds to over an hour.

How long does prediction take?

Prediction can be performed in real-time, usually less than a second.

Can I download my model?

You cannot currently download your model.

What is the planned pricing structure?

We are launching the Prediction API as a preview to collect feedback from developers. Based on this feedback, we will be evaluating different pricing options.

Why are there no charges for this service?

Google has a long history of launching experimental APIs to collect user feedback and make improvements. In the future, we plan to launch a paid version of this API.

Who gets an invitation?

The goal of the preview period is to collect feedback from a diverse range of developers. Participants will be selected from existing users of Google developer services as well as those who sign up on the waiting list.

Are the invitations transferable?

No, invitations should be used by the developer requesting access to the system.

How soon will I get an account?

The amount of time it takes will depend on the number of sign-ups we receive and our development progress. If you do not receive an invitation during the preview period, we'll notify you once open sign-ups are available.

How do I request a feature?

Please share your request in our discussion forum and to our direct feedback form here. Please put "Feature Request" in the subject of your messages. We actively monitor the discussion forum and the feedback form, and will track feature requests as they come in.

How do I file a bug?

Please file your bug in our discussion forum and to our direct feedback form here. Please add "Bug" in the subject of your messages. We actively monitor both the discussion forum and the feedback form, and will investigate the issue.
