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by TheaGood
on 28/1/17
"For what Scotts, Monsanto, and many other GLOBALIST corporations have done to ecosystem, Trump should order these corporations to be investigated and disbanded and the executives (and any complicit scientists) jailed for life if not executed. All of their money should be taken and given to the nation's farmers. Im saying this as anarcho-capitalist too. These people have gone so far over the line that even 1000 years of slow torture would not be just punishment."

A few drone strikes and subsequent disbandment of the companies would do it for me. I don't think I'd specifically torture them, but I would not be too sad if a few got the message in a rather rude way. I firmly believe they are at war with us, and are seeking dominance via destruction. I'd be fine with a no knock visit, and forced shut down on Trump's order followed by jailing of entire employee rolls and massive interrogation to find out who needs special treatment. I doubt the President is stupid about this, and believe he cares. His first few days have been absolute whoppers. Can't wait for what is next!
1,112 chars, < 1 min read