Flakes Worried Trump Will Come for the Transgenders
RUSH: I just got an email from a friend, "Rush, do you know...? Do you know that the popular vote win for Hillary is all from California?" "Yeah, I've only been saying this for a week! (chuckling) What am I doing here? I have been telling you the popular vote for Hillary is gonna come from New York and California, but Trump..." I don't need to repeat all this.
So I'm sitting here pulling out... No wonder I'm losing my hair here. I consider myself a communications specialist, and I'm wasting my time. I need to dumb myself down.
No, you do not know how frustrating this last one was. I'll betcha there have been 25 emails back and forth trying to iron out an order that I thought had been placed for me that I didn't place that's shipping tomorrow. (crumbling up piece of paper) I really appreciate you indulging me, helping me get this off my chest. It's therapeutic. If I were a young snowflake in college I'd be hidden in a closet crying about it, and worried that Trump was gonna come turn me into a transgender. What do you think the transgender population of this country is? What percentage? One-tenth of 1%? If that! If that.
And these people are acting like Trump's coming for 'em. Trump's not even spoken about transgenders. I don't think Trump said a thing about transgenders in the campaign, but they are convinced that Trump's coming for 'em. So there's a couple stories about how transgenders are banding together to change their names and to change their sexual identity so that Trump can't find 'em -- and they are dead serious! I don't... Just anything other than what they're officially known so that Trump can't find... (interruption) It's Trump. Trump is going to come find them!
(interruption) Trump... Tru... (interruption) What am I saying? (interruption) What are you asking? Have I not just finished telling you how I say what I mean? Trump! They are saying Trump is gonna find 'em. Not Cruz, not Rudy, Trump is going to come find them. Trump's gonna find 'em wherever they are and kick them out of the country or make 'em go to a sex change or addadictomy operation, whatever they think, and they're scared to death! Many of them are on college campuses.
Ho! (chuckling) It is... (interruption) Of course you can't believe it. You must! This is the point: 25 years ago we couldn't believe it. Today, we have to believe it. This stuff is all true. The one tenth of 1% of the population that is transgender is scared to death to Donald Trump is coming.