Few days out and anger cooling; people slipping into familiar patterns. And the same media bloviators who told us it was in the bag for Hilary will tell us that it is now time to heal the divide and respect the opinions of our opponents in reverence for democracy. I feel no such obligation. I’m endlessly fascinated by the desperate American need for moral equivalency between differing points of view. Trump was/is a vile racist, sexist, misogynist hatemonger. And yet some of our family, friends, colleagues, students and loved ones may have supported him. I would say that it is now time to question the moral rectitude of such family, friends, colleagues, students and loved ones — not to mention their sanity. And I certainly feel no need to ‘understand’ their perspective. That’s like someone saying, “hey, at least slaves got to enjoy an ocean voyage, n’est–ce pas?”, and me responding… “hey, you’ve got a point!” Mealy mouthed nonsense. It’s time to start reminding our students that not EVERYTHING is up for debate. Climate change is not a debate. America is a deeply racist and sexist society made ‘great’ through genocide and enslavement. Trump is not “Make America Great Again”, it is “Make America White Again”. There are some things out there that go against the grain. This is one of them. Obstruct. Confound. Denounce.