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by CastrovilliGius
on 22/9/20
Es war einmal bei den Wahlen als La Notte Lanotte abstimmte und was wahrscheinlich etwas anderes bedeuten könnte als eine Art Wolle Nacht und ihr einziger Unterschied in dem was sie genannt wurden war nur ein leerer Platz Raum zwischen den Buchstaben und da war der andererseits Doronzo genannt wurde der einer anderen zu wählenden Person gleichgestellt war und wahrscheinlich gab es noch andere Leute die ähnlich gleich genannt wurden und es gab genug Verschwendung von Ressourcen die nicht einmal aus dem Land gesammelt wurden das seine Früchte gab und das verfaulte und Brot wurde weggeworfen und seit geraumer Zeit Raum Raumschiff Partikel Blätter die inzwischen ziemlich heikle Situationen geworden waren Kandidaten Präferenzen Berater keine ausgeschlossen und niemand ausgeschlossen und nichts auszuschließen und so weiter und so fort.

Once upon a time in the elections there was La Notte Lanotte voting which could probably mean something other than some kind of Wool Night and their only difference in what they were called was just an empty space between the letters and there was who on the other hand was called Doronzo equal to some other person to be elected and probably there were still other people who were called quite similarly equal and there was enough waste of resources that were not collected from the earth that gave its fruit and that rotted and bread was thrown away and for quite some time space spacecraft particles sheets that had by now become quite delicate situations candidates preferences advisors none excluded and no one excluded and nothing to exclude and so on and so on.

C''era una volta alle elezioni votazioni La Notte Lanotte che potrebbe probabilmente significare qualcos'altro che qualche specie di Lana Notte e l'unica loro differenza di come si chiamavano era soltanto uno spazio vuoto tra le lettere e c'era chi invece si chiamava Doronzo uguale a qualche altra persona da eleggere e probabilmente c'era ancora altra gente che si chiamavano abbastanza similmente uguale e c'era abbastanza spreco di risorse che non venivano nemmeno raccolte dalla terra che dava il suo frutto e che marciva e veniva buttato pane e da abbastanza tempo spazio navicelle particelle fogli che era ormai diventate situazioni abbastanza delicate candidati preferenze consiglieri nessuno escluso e nessuna esclusa e niente da escludere eccetera eccetera.