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by djrae1981
on 7/4/15


Embarked P&O Oriana at Southampton on Tuesday 17 March.

The ship was late from returning from Alta, the previous 12 days – technical problems and rough, adverse seas………………i.e. by boarding at 1400 in the Cunard dock when the last passengers had left at 1200, the ship had had little time to air, and be thoroughly cleaned – which confirmed the fact that Oriana had had a poor cruising reputation since December for Norovirus, poor food, poor crew – although these reviewers might have been `professional complainers and compensation-seekers`……………… Nevertheless, it has always had a reputation for vibration.

I had Norovirus on it in March `12 – surely `lightning can`t strike twice`…………….

We sailed for The Faroes via the Irish sea and the Minches - the weather getting colder, rougher, and greyer.

Despite Queen Victoria, with a female Faroes captain, docking without problems in June `14, our Polish captain declined to berth and moved off the coast to view the Solar Eclipse.

At the exact time, the Eclipse was viewed in all its glory, but the weather gain quickly blotted it our almost immediately afterwards – and Faroes- land-based ITV paid the ship for its photographs and videos !

Torshaven was windy, rainy and cold, and after wandering ashore for 3 hours, I took 4 hours to overcome the shivers.

Next day, en route to Tromso, in a rough sea with sleet, I visited the ship`s Doctor – who diagnosed that some food had disagreed with my normal medication, causing Dyspepsia. I had a short course of anti-biotics to prevent any infection, and a medication to prevent acid reflux for the rest of the cruise (until 30 March) (£350 bill not covered by my £400 excess).

In Tromso, Carole banned me from going ashore because the compacted ice, with frequent white-outs on top, would have severely tested my balance – she stayed out too long, and I was just about to send a search party when she returned – my mobile was switched off ! Be Prepared, or thriftiness (saving the battery / bill) ?

In Alta, more snow, more cold -11`C at the stern of the ship, and Carole again visited the shore and Cathedral twice – whilst I watched the snow-clearance and urine de-icer spraying on the alongside Alta runway.

That second night, -17`C in the Alta countryside at 0200, we saw the Northern Lights from the back of the ship - but my Compact camera, and Camcorder, had too short an exposure to record them successfully. We the rushed back into the warm despite our Arctic clothing (inc. my dependable multi-mileage Hiking boots)!

En route south from Alta, in more white-outs, and stormy seas, the ship performed wonderfully – her 1994 design , with stabilisers proving a godsend.

The Doctor has warned me of Norovirus (was it present already ?) – which the warm ship, closed-off decks (ice and wind), and stuffy public spaces (theatres, restaurants, handrails, door knobs, toilets, etc.) incubated well. The theatrical `smoke` also seemed to encourage sore throats, coughs, and eventually, colds.

At Bergen, we toured Hardangerfyord by coach and ferry, in good weather.

At Stavanger, next day, we toured the coast, light-houses, as far as Egersund, and returned in pleasant-style to Stavanger and ship by train.

We then faced a 2-day crawl back to Southampton – at 10-11 knts. - it usually takes 1 day at 18-20knts.

Back in Southampton, despite knowing the UK (Southampton) weather forecast for at least 36 hours, we found that we couldn`t berth. The Captain suggested an extra night on-board with all services complimentary – but Norovirus now prevalent, and coughs, in the warm ambient air aboard (decks still closed-off in the high wind). NB. Cunard have berthed in the Cunard dock apparently without problems for 175 years – with bigger ships !

We disembarked on 01 April (April Fool !) and were home safe and sound in 3 hours by 1200.

Good Friday / Bad Saturday saw me sound out an emergency appt. at my GPs for my racking cough / runny nose / and frequent sneezing – with a 7 day very strong antibiotic – and Carole (bless her !) sleeping separately.

We have booked a 7-day cruise on P&O Aurora (34th.) to Olden, Flaam, Bergen, and Stavanger in May, and a 14-day cruise to Shetland, Orkney, and UK ports in-between in mid-August on P&O Adonia (35th), and planned to book Queen Elizabeth (36th.) for the Med. In September…………….

Moral(s) :

Gluttons for punishment;

a 2 bad experiences in 33 surely can`t forecast another………………….;

2 done from our bucket-list despite `handicaps`;

A cat has 9 lives – how many do I have left ?

Are we pushing out-the-boat too far ?

Home, blessed home --------------with a good, patient, tolerant spouse behind you.

Good for the NHS………………free at the point of need – unless the Election-winner racks up the appt./prescription charges………………..

Keep smiling --------- and taking the tablets………………

Best wishes,

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