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by TheaGood
on 13/11/16
Earnest: Too Early to Know What Election Meant

RUSH: The current White House press secretary is Josh Earnest, and he said this. He said that it is too early to discern exactly what message voters were trying to send on Tuesday. (laughing) We're talking the river in Egypt again here: denial. There's no way that there is an unclear message.

Now, having said that, I'm not surprised the White House would try to pretend they don't understand. I'm not surprised the White House would try to confuse other Democrats or give them comfort. I mean, I'm not surprised the guy that's the press secretary for Obama will go out and try to convince people that the result had nothing to do with Obama. He's a loyal guy.

But Tuesday's vote can be summed up in one sentence: The people of this country said "no more." They said no more fundamental transformation of America. We want somebody not only who's gonna stop what Obama was doing, but we want someone that's gonna roll it back. Just like Obama vowed to roll back the Reagan revolution, we vow to roll this back. It's understandable Earnest would go out there and try to make everybody think that this election was not about his boss.

But Earnest wasn't finished. He went out there, he went on to say that Obama was going to continue to push and protect his policies between now and January 20th. No matter how much people hate and reject them, he's still gonna push 'em. Yep, real servant of the people. Obama's policies have just been told to pound sand. What's Obama gonna do? He's gonna go down and just slam them right down our throats.