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by kumari_nidhi
on 14/10/17

BJP Double standard on Aadhar and Rohingyas

Double standard of BJP,in case of adhaar sc go to hell .in case of rohingya sc is not allowing.
These Rohingyas were sent as part of V force sent in world war II to wage guerrilla warfare behind Japanese lines. They skirted clear of the Imperial Japanese army but launched attacks on Buddhist Pagodas , monasteries and villages. That is the root of the current tensions between the two communities.
Later they wanted merger with Pak and when Jinnah refused to accept this nuisance demanded a separate Muslim state in the arakans. given shelter in india , they held massive protests in Mumbai and damaged the Amar Jawan Memorial and misbehaved with women cops. they attacked Pilgrims in Bodh Gaya and joined Let gangs in J&K. Gun runners, drug smugglers and a bloody terrorist nuisance, they have some cheek demanding asylum.Attended a very illuminating seminar on refugees in ICHR.