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by leftwingsdoom
on 13/11/14
Do you think you impress me with how little you use? How long you stretch out things? Do you think I give the tiniest bit of concern or acclaime for what YOU do or do not? I AM NOT YOU. NO ONE IS. So you should not try to lecture us about how YOYU do things - we do not care, we have never cared. We are not perfectionists, not absolutists, and we do not do things at the same pace as yoyu and never will!!! Go fuck yourself. You can be proud. You always like to say let me show you this, see how I do things. We should not have to see bitch. Rubbing it in our face is not going to make us imitate you. Six months - fuck you. No one needs to use something that long. You just think you are so much better than us but you are not. You are proving nothing. Like you always do, like you always will. As if the greatest whore of Worry could ever impress me in anything she ever did. Not that I believe your six months crap. Did you see my expressionless face, my dismissive demeanor. I wan't agreeing. I was not even affirming what could and probably is a lie. You are so goddamned deluded. No one is like you. No one will imitate you,.It is not all about you and how you do things, and I do not care if you never, ever understand that. We are not you. The world is not you. You can preface everything with I I do I thinbk, To me, so self absorbed and prideful. Sickening. You can say it all the time, I will not believe you. You keep your obsessions, but I do not need your lectures. I simply asked for something. You can always say no, but drama whores never keep it simple. And it is a need. Timeframe and rate are irrelevant. You are so fucking ridiculous about the simplest things, making an issue out of every nonissue. You reinforce, every day, every wave of the tongue, what a life should not be like, what a view of the world should never be. For that, and only that, I will appreciate.