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by TheaGood
on 13/11/16
Chuck-Schumer Endorses Keith Ellison for DNC Head

RUSH: Have I heard that they're thinking of putting Keith Ellison as the head of Democratic National Committee? Yes. Not only have I heard that, you ought to see the people endorsing the move. Chuck-U Schumer! Are you kidding me! If the Democrat Party thinks they're in trouble now, wait until they make this move. I think he may be the only Muslim serving in the House of Representatives, right? Or are there two? He's it is first and maybe still the only Muslim, Keith Ellison, he's from Minnesota. He's the official candidate of the council on -- CAIR, whatever the acronym stands for.

I mean, for crying out loud, folks, they couldn't do much worse if they're thinking of unity. Holy smokes. And you know why they would do this. I don't even want to get -- you know, I don't want to be steeped in Democrat Party negativism today, but man, oh, man, all they want is payback. They just want to ram it down Trump's throat or what they think will be ramming things down Trump's throat. But what they're doing is engaging in self-destructive activities that they apparently do not see.

They are going to be driven even further insane, and that's one of the reasons they're talking about Keith Ellison as head of the Democrat National Committee, assuming the chair that Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz had. That's an in-your-face move. It's not a move designed to help them. They think it is. But really it's an in-your-face move.

The Salena Zito passage in The Atlantic, Trump's opponents do not take him seriously, but they take him literally. Now, I think this is true of all liberals, by the way, and Trump's supporters take him seriously, but not literally. I'll give you a great example of this. The Chris Wallace debate question: "Mr. Trump, will you acknowledge here with us all tonight that if you lose the election, that you will concede that you've lost the election." Trump: "I'm not gonna do that 'til we find out what happens."

I know Donald Trump. I have spent enough time with Donald that I know him, I know how to read him, I know how to hear him. I know him. There is no way that Donald Trump was ever going to not accept his defeat if that's what genuinely happened. If it didn't genuinely happen, he wasn't going to accept it. But these people believe, they really believe that Trump was prepared to blow up the Constitution if he lost. They really believed that by virtue of that answer.

By the same token, when Trump talks about limiting immigration and finding out who loves this country and who doesn't, and trying to best to vet them and keep the people that don't love this country and may intend us harm out. And he says part of that is a Muslim consideration because they're the ones conducting acts of terror. They hear Trump say that he's going to go on patrol and he's gonna make sure that not a single Muslim ever gets in this country, and, furthermore, that every other Muslim is gonna get kicked out.

They are so far from and distant from reality that it's hard to chronicle. When what you and I knew was that Trump was simply saying we're gonna keep bad people out of the country to the best extent we can. It was no more complicated than that. But they have their inordinate, out-of-control fears, and it doesn't take much to trigger them. So now college students, women really believe, like this piece I have in the show prep Stack here, some feminist leader is urging women to go out and buy as many birth control pills as they can 'cause Donald Trump's gonna make sure they're not in the drugstores when he's in office.

Who would possibly believe that? What kind of people really believe that? Donald Trump's never said it. Even if he did say it, he wouldn't have meant that. This is the point about taking him literally versus seriously and vice versa. But it's fascinating to watch these people. Harry Reid, the outgoing Senate leader for the Democrats: "Donald Trump has ushered in a new wave of hate. And it's going to be up to Donald Trump to temper the hate and make sure the hate does not become --" Donald Trump is not about hate. They are. Harry Reid and the Democrats.

Another great example. Hillary was actually at one of the debates, I think, actually made some claim or some media person that Trump was gonna put people that disagreed with him in jail. Remember that? "This is not who we are. We do not jail our political opponents." We don't? The Obama administration did. The poor guy that made that pathetic video that had nothing to do with Benghazi was put in jail! They're the ones that want to jail political opponents and let absolute human debris out of jail.

Scooter Libby they put in jail about a false, phony, trumped-up charge. But I'm telling you, they are still coming to grips with this, and it's gonna be a long time. I don't think they're ever going to accept it. The meltdown is going to continue.