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by TheaGood
on 21/11/16
Cecil Rhodes
This great defender of the British Empire emigrated to South Africa, where his personality and his intellectual oversized qualities allow him to make a fortune with diamonds. He is at the origin of the De Beers diamond industry together with Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (1840 1915). His colossal wealth opens him the doors of the British colony, Cecil Rhodes lays the foundation stone for the South African state (the dominion of the British Empire), a couple of years after his death in 1910 form. Its financial and political influence makes it areas to which he check gives his name: Rhodesia. Later in Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia divided, these States Zimbabwe and Zambia. However is its large colonial idea, a large railway from Cape Town to Cairo to build. In his defense of the British Empire have the connection paths is of fundamental importance for the development of resources of all kinds. The development of the ways (in all these forms is the compulsory passage to the smooth functioning of each realm. This commandment is very current at the beginning of the 21. Century. These compounds are the arteries of the supply of the commercial and political empire.

On the smooth functioning of the British Empire, Cecil Rhodes have a higher ideal. In fact, of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon "race" convinced that he designed a policy in order to ensure that priority: the unification of all the Anglo-Saxon countries or, more precisely, the introduction of a block between the British Empire and the United States of America. The whole thing had to be the basis for him the birth of a state in the world, the principles and the philosophy of the Anglo-Saxon entrepreneurs nobility is animated. In order to achieve this, he considers it necessary to higher figures in the universities to recruit from the same ideal animated, and are supported for so many key positions as in the economic, financial, military, education, news service, or even journalism to possess it. This will be similar to an army corps, these different people real Jesuits of globalisation for the same objective, in their respective countries to train heads, with the development of the political structures, the emergence of this global economic state contributions. In his head, this titanic and very time-consuming ambition on the creation of the "Cecil Rhodes (Rhodes SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships"). Cecil Rhodes had not had the satisfaction to the realisation of this ideal in his life to see. Start only in 1904 his closest advisors the first scholarships, bear his name at the University of Oxford. The French sociologist, Auguste Comte, said that "the dead the living governance". This formula can be largely on Cecil Rhodes are applied. His concepts have the world of 20. Century and the early 21. Century forged. Without you all to quote, we have with recipients of Cecil Rhodes Fellowships: The Prime Minister of Australia Bob Hawke (1981/1993); James Wolsey, Director of the CIA (1993/1995); Wesley Clarke, Patron Saint of NATO in the 1990s and one of the main players in the destruction of Yugoslavia in March 1999; the President Bill Clinton (Class 1968) and James William Fullbright (Senator of Arkansas and important figure in the American policy).

The policy of Cecil Rhodes had not without the action of his closest advisors can reach their size. Here we can also not the very extensive list of the anglo-american foundation (Anglo American Etablishment) of Carroll Quigley quote. The Men around Cecil Rhodes are characterized by an important fact; they occupy the key sectors of British society in the second half of the 19. Century . You have the future of the world to merciless manner. From this long list We keep three measures.