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by TheaGood
on 28/1/17
CNN threatened Trump
CNN told Trump he had better take a more positive tone towards them or they would destroy him in foreign countries. That is the height of arrogance, because it was CNN that has been an aggressive backstabbing slanderous front, and not Trump. Trump, in my opinion, needs to label CNN as a seditious organization and shut it down in the U.S.

Who cares what Iran thinks or anyone else thinks? I am stunned CNN is allowed to operate in Iran, China, and other places anyway. MAYBE THEY ARE CIA FRONT?

CNN has already destroyed Trump abroad, how much more could they possibly threaten him than the actions they have already taken? But that's how liberals think, after cutting the throats of everyone who deserved an ounce of respect they think they can still make threats of slander and have them be effective.
852 chars, < 1 min read