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by TheaGood
on 20/12/16

You are 100% correct on the interference that's going on, here is a bit of technical info, but the bottom line for non-tech people is you may not be able to get reliable information in the future; you will need to know the IP address of things and get a VPN to get around the control systems.

Remember, all routers on the internet, in every country are CONTROLLED by the security agencies (NSA, GCHQ, etc). Snowden's leaks showed the depth of this program for EVERY major router brand out there and it even includes your home router! Professional routers can do many things, they are high performance computers. They can filter or copy data by individual IP, key words using deep packet inspection and lower the quality of service which makes it look like the internet is having a bad day. They can also control the routing tables to make your connection impossible and they know exactly who posts comments. The ISP's are not your friend, they are in the pocket of the bad people and we have caught them red handed blocking news sites in what was apparently a test several years ago. A VPN got around this blockage.

Everyone should write down the IP addresses of their favorite web sites. Use this tool and write them down on a sheet of paper ("

The ip address will only work if the domain at that IP is dedicated to that IP only. Even if the IP itself is dedicated to a single owner, if that owner has multiple sites on the server that has that IP, and they are not separated, even only TWO domains on a server, direct IP access will not work. Everyone, even Drudge, is making this mistake. I tried to get a list of truth sites that had their own IP and they are practically nil because at least 90 percent are making this mistake. Even with dedicated servers, practically all of them are messing up. So the IP address is going to be of limited value if people do not get on the ball and SEPARATE THEIR KEY DOMAINS ON A SERVER, AND GIVE THEM THEIR OWN UNIQUE IP PER DOMAIN.

Things are getting bad out there, and you absolutely WILL have your site vanished if you do not take corrective action NOW. Find the IP address for your web site and make SURE it works when used as its own unique number.

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