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by blacksilentmaj
on 23/2/17
“Black Lives Matter:”
It’s nothing but a fantasy.

But will the fantasy ever become reality? © 2017

The number one problem facing black America isn’t Donald Trump, or his flawed cabinet picks. But you wouldn’t know it based on what we talk, tweet, or post about. The number one problem facing black America is black people killing other black people.

In the 1960s, numerous Blacks became enchanted with the notion of “Black Power.” It, too, became a term of endearment that was uttered during protests, just like chants of Black Lives Matter. However, Whitney Young, a civil rights leader during that period, was quick to add a touch of reality. He said, “You don’t get Black Power just by chanting it.”

Similarly, Blacks may chant, “Black Lives Matter” during protests and, they may even put it on tee shirts, but that’s superficial. It doesn’t really prove black lives matter. Action always speaks louder than words, and it is our actions that will prove whether Blacks Lives Matter; not our words, or our slogans.

When you see Black Lives Matter protests, it’s easy to get caught up in the hoopla and the hype. Watching those protests, it can be tempting to hallucinate and believe that we’re the most self-loving people on the planet. But you would be wrong.

Back in the day, before he took a questionable turn, Min. Farrakhan put it well. He said, “We’re the most divided, disunited people to be found anywhere on the planet.” He was right then, and much hasn’t changed today.

In every urban area, our actions are speaking louder than our words, and those actions contradict what the protesters are saying. The protester’s words may say, “Black Lives Matter.” But our collective actions say, “Black Lives Do not Matter.”

Once we begin to deal with our reality rather than our fantasy, we can start a process. That process can take us down a road where our actions can begin to prove Black Lives Do Matter. But until then, we need to “recognize” that we’re much too quick to lash out and do harm to each over the simplest of provocations.

If black lives really mattered, would we kill…

• Each other because one person bumped into another?
• Each other over sneakers?
• Each other over sunglasses?
• Each other because someone didn’t like the way someone else looked at him/her?
• Each other during home break-ins?
• Each other during drive-bys.
• Each other during robberies and carjackings?
• Each other during gang banging?
• Girlfriends or boyfriends out of jealousy because they wanted to break free?

What we’re doing to each other, you don’t see as much in other communities. Not surprisingly, the only time you see Blacks Lives Matter protests is after a cop has killed a black person. This is due to our obsession with racism and or failure to accept any kind of contructive criticism.

You don’t see Black Lives Matter protests after gang members have assassinated children to get back at a parent. You don’t see protests when upstanding black citizens have been murdered during drive-bys or carjackings. You don’t see protests when a girlfriend has been murdered and her body burned because a jealous boyfriend decided if he couldn’t have her no one else could.

Black lives will matter when black parents teach their children, from day one, to respect others , to respect their property, respect themselves, and to respect life. Black Lives Will Matter when the self-hatred’s days are numbered.

Maya said it best:

“All vices and virtues start in the home.”
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