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by ThaRainman
on 8/1/17
@Billboard @CliveDavis asking 4help with @takethat awards #GaryBarlow #HowardDonald #robbiewilliams

Dear Billboard,

Please forward this letter to whomever is in charge of making sure that the right people get their Billboard awards for their work.
Thank you.

My name is David Banta and I have been a full-time recording engineer in the Hollywood/Los Angeles area for 30 years and I am seeking help getting my Billboard awards for a huge hit single I engineered, recorded, and mixed. The song was by the big British boy band "Take That" and the megahit single we made is called "Sure".
In 1994 Take That was the biggest group in Europe and Clive Davis wanted to bring them to the U.S. and release an album on Arista Records. At the time, he was still head of the label.
Take That “Sure”
The single remix we made starts at 3:20

I believe Clive told Take That to hire this producer named Bryan "Wino" Dobbs to do 3 remixes for release on Arista in the United States. I am in touch with Bryan and he hired me to engineer the single.
Bryan had produced a #1 single at the time for Coolio. Bryan is featured in this music video; he plays the fairy godfather character with the big hair.

Coolio - Fantastic Voyage

I had done some first engineering for Bryan and Coolio and so Bryan hired me to engineer/mix the song, "Sure", which was one of the 3 singles Take That and Arista had Bryan remix. Bryan told me that the single was only going to be released on Arista in the U.S.
We discovered a few years ago that the single remix we made was released in Europe and was one of the biggest hit singles in European history.
There are 4 albums that our single remix of "Sure" were released on (All "Take That" albums) that we know about. These include:
1) "Nobody Else" (U.S.) album, which to my knowledge didn't win any awards.
2) "Nobody Else" (U.K.), which I believe charted #1 on Billboard's top 100 selling albums in Europe.
3) "Take That's Greatest Hits", which I believe also charted #1 on Billboard's top 100 selling albums in Europe.
4) "The Ultimate Collection" (2005), which I believe spent 3 years and 6 consecutive months in the top 100 selling albums in the U.K.

I believe our single earned 14 Billboard #1 awards including #1 on the radio in four countries, #1 selling albums in 8 countries, two #1 selling albums in Europe. I believe it entered the U.K. radio airplay charts at #1 and stayed there for 2 weeks.
Since I discovered our single was a huge hit in Europe, I've tried to reach out to everyone I could that was involved to get help getting any awards that I have earned for pretty much putting together that single. I recorded the music, did the final mix and edited it.
The engineer, Paul Wright, who was credited on Take That's "Nobody Else" (U.K.) album as "All songs mixed by Paul Wright" sent me an email admitting he didn't mix that version of the single "Sure" and wished me luck.
Everyone else that I reached out to up until now has been unresponsive. So, now I am reaching out to you, Billboard, for help getting my Billboard awards for Take That's megahit "Sure".
I realize this puts some people in a very precarious position but I don't wish to cause anyone trouble. All I'm seeking is the awards I have earned and nothing more. There were many people involved; surely one will confirm my story. Clive Davis was the head of Arista at the time they released it in the U.S.
The famous engineer/producer Chris Porter (George Michael) was the one who spoke to Bryan on the phone and gave him the instructions of what he wanted. He was credited as executive producer on the albums. Nigel Martin Smith was Take That's manager at the time and I believe he will tell the truth. People who were at Arista in 94 will know the truth.
So, what do I need to do and who can I contact to get help getting my Billboard awards, please?

David Banta
818 468 5701

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