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by TheaGood
on 4/11/16
BREAKING Guccifer - Hand Written Letter To Fox Says Hillary Clinton A "High Priest Satanic Goddess"

... Hillary could cut up and fondue a living baby, LIVE, ON TELEVISION one piece at a time and eat it, and if it was a one time broadcast the media would note that only 8 million people realized it was happening and watched, and they'd be able to lie to the remaining 292 million and convince that 292 million that the 8 million that watched it were tin foil hat nut cases that should be jailed for being crazy. And then they'd keep on pushing to make her President. "High priest satanic goddess"? So what.

Podesta Emails Reveal Clinton’s Inner Circle as Sex Cult with Connections to Human Trafficking

... Been busted right here on this web site where my own independent report proved they were stealing the children from Central America and shipping them out. That report proved the children were not on trains, and that the trains were nothing but an excuse to explain why they were missing. All they did then was drop the train part of the story out of the media, and the kids kept vanishing anyway. The human trafficking will continue, it is BUSTED AND LIVES ON BECAUSE...There is BIG money in sex slavery & organ donations & slave labor and Hillary & Bill are all about BIG money
Also human sacrifices for Moloch with terrible & disgusting rituals

NYPD Source: Weiner Laptop Has Enough Evidence “to Put Hillary ... Away for Life

... Yeah, and the evidence will just sit there like botulism in a sealed jar that will NEVER BE OPENED. Hillary is NOT going to jail. If she was headed that way, she'd have arrived a decade ago.

EXCLUSIVE: Senior Gov. Official Says Obama Made Quid Pro Quo Deal With FEC Commissioner

... And that's part of the reason why Hillary will not be prosecuted.

CAREFUL FELLOW PATRIOTS: All this "discord" between the branches of our criminal gov't may be pure stage play...
YEAH, not everyone is stupid. I see right through it too.


... NYPD WILL NOT MAKE ARRESTS. And if they do, Hillary will skate right out of jail within minutes, and everyone who had the audacity to confront tyranny that way will quickly commit "suicide" or be marginalized and fired.

Canada investigates mysterious 'pinging' sound at bottom of sea in Arctic

That just means the U.S. dropped a sonic beacon that will bounce off Russian submarines and make them show up on sonar. When the power supply runs out, another will be dropped, unless it is nuclear powered and then it will just keep pinging forever. And drive the seals nuts.

Stephanopoulos Moving To AUS if Trump Wins

...The Nazis fled Europe too.