Attacks with cars
MARK MY WORD: They are going to have a slew of attacks (already ongoing) made with cars, as an excuse to make them all self driving and take control away from the driver.
What better way to gain even more control over the public than to know exactly where someone is going, the moment they get in a car? If they are all self driving, that will be a reality. To argue they should be self driving, it would be easy to use vehicular assaults as an excuse, especially if they stage a large number of assaults as an example. This is all the more reason to doubt any terror attack that supposedly happens with a car. Obviously the Commons attack was fake, as confirmed by different versions of the perpetrator being aired, and this may mean that all the vehicular attacks are fake. Even Drudge has a headline up calling car terror attacks "the new preferred method". What could possibly be a better arguing point for fully self driving cars?
And once control is taken away from the people, you'll be driven into a tree on demand, driven to captors on demand, sent anywhere the power structure wants, ON DEMAND. No doubt the corrupt at the top of the ladder want this, so don't count on vehicular terror attacks to stop any time soon.
And I think the timing of this latest attack was way too convenient, happening on the day when Trump was fully vindicated for his wire tap claims, and fully cleared of all wrongdoing. What a great media distraction to bury that with!