"At first, I was skeptical about the damage vaccines cause, but after doing my own research, I decided to stop vaccinating my children. At age 24, I was forced to take the gardasil vaccine when I applied for is citizenship and since then I have noticed a considerable decrease in my memory. I lose words and even when watching tv, during commercial breaks I will forget what I was watching. All issues that I never had prior to the vaccine. I have a 10 month old now, and I did not vaccinate him and the difference between him and my older vaccinated kids is huge. My oldest son constantly suffered from ear infections, pinkeye and general sickness, my daughters have horrible eczema and are constantly catching colds. Meanwhile, my un-vaccinated son has not been sick, started walking at 7 months and even when sick people are around him the most he's ever come down with is a very mild case of the sniffles. Thank you for putting the information out there, it is very important that we stop letting our children be poisoned. I wish I had known all this before, if I had known my older kids would not have been damaged by these poisonous vaccines."