As a feline supremacist, their is no way I can be silent about the most foul and unspeakable evil to ever travel from satan's bowels to surface on the face of the earth.
There are cat torturers, killers and eaters. Leave it to the terrorist murder crazy assholes to advance such evil even farther, with the public execution of God's greatest lifeform, the cat. There are no words to express the magnitude of such evil. I will only say this. By engaging in this sickest of acts, they do not court their doom but mate with it shamelessly. Their mission, whatever it is, is assured of failure now, though it has been for a long time. The global order they desire will exist only in their twisted dreams, or whatever shadow of such these soulless beasts do when they sleep.
These are the most evil of creatures, the finest, darkest examples of all that is putrid and vile. Think nothing of killing them, torturing them, or trying to defend their humanity or rights. They have lost whatever is left. They have shed feline blood, and all the curses of Egypt will plague them and leave nothing but beetles crawling through wilted skeletons. True agony is reserved for their souls, in a special wing of infernity where only cat slayers dwell.
I say with absolute conviction and truth-
You are nothing
Your god is nothing
Your culture is nothing
Your children are nothing
Your way is nothing
Your life is nothing
And nothing you do, no matter how much you kill, will ever change your nothingness, your irrelevance, your pure shittiness.
Your doom is written in the same fire that wrote the Ten Commandments.
Never has greater evil been done on this earth, and the punishment will be greater than anything your desert baked brains can imagine.
The cats will have the last meow.