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by TheaGood
on 13/12/16
American Dream Collapsing for Young Adults

RUSH: And the next headline says it all. Washington Post (this is four days ago): "American Dream Collapsing for Young Adults, Study Says." The American dream is collapsing for a lot of people. Young adults, yeah. The Millennials, yeah. It's collapsing because they've been lied to that there is no American dream. They've been told it's over. They've been told America's greatest days were back there. They've been told get used to a country in decline.

Of course they think the American people dream's collapsing! The Democrats are scared to death Trump's gonna show how it hasn't. The Democrats, the New York Times, the Washington Post are scared to death that Trump is gonna illustrate that the Democrat Party is why this country's in decline, not America. It's not America's fault. It's not our founding's fault. It's the Democrat Party that is the reason why this nation is stagnant and in decline, and the Democrats are living in day-to-day paranoia that that is going to be exposed. Don't doubt me.