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by TheaGood
on 15/12/16
A statement of what for me is obvious
I laugh at the posts saying the Rockefellers are for him and the Rothchilds are for him and all the GLOBALIST B.S. that is such PATENT BS, a manure pit pothole on the information highway. Want to know how I know? EASY:

Because the Rothchilds did not want Brexit and are trying to overturn it, and Trump was gas on that fire. Because the Rothchilds and Rockefellers and Soros helped Hillary and own the MSM. Just look at how the MSM is doing back flips to destroy Trump. WAKE UP, I pray the bulk of the people are not stupid enough to buy the line that "the elite are all in for Trump".

FACT: Rockefeller, Rothchild and Soros want a New World Order. Trump is a stiff nationalist that will probably kill their dreams. They HATE HIM. SO WHAT if Trump's cabinet has a few billionaires and other "stooges" because they are well placed and where it really matters he is putting people that really count. The "stooges" are getting placed only because of their skill set and connections Trump thinks will be a net benefit. Trumps other picks equal Death to climate change. Death to the EPA. Death to forced vaccines. Death to schools as indoctrination centers. DEATH to infiltrated intelligence agencies that only serve the elite. And LIFE to space exploration and industry and the American worker. As far as I see it, TRUMP IS KICKING @SS ALREADY, do not be fooled by trolls into thinking otherwise. And don't bother messaging me saying how wrong I am, because you'll just bounce off my head like silly putty.
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